
The Groundstar Conspiracy (1972)

Directed by Lamont Johnson



A break-in and sabotage attempt occurs at a top secret research institute and the culprit is cornered and captured. The problem is that he’s been badly injured and claims to have lost his memory entirely. A cat-and-mouse game ensues between investigator Tuxan, the mystery intruder Welles and the people who sent him on the mission.

Rated PG | Length 95 minutes


George Peppard | Michael Sarrazin | Christine Belford | Cliff Potts | James Olson | Tim O'Connor | James McEachin | Alan Oppenheimer | Roger Dressler | Ty Haller | Anna Hagan | Hagan Beggs | John Destry | Milos Zatovic | Don Granberry | Robin Coller | Bob Meneray | Richard Sergeant | Ed Collier | John Mitchell | Martin Moore | Don Vance | William Nunn | Peter Lavender | Barry Cahill

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/10/2025TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Nothing like an early cynical seventies conspiracy movie! This was a recent pick-up from Kino Lorber when I grabbed a few blind buys to get the free shipping. I dug this movie and love Peppard as this asshole surveilling the amnesiac patient involved in the cover-up.


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