
Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles: Legend of Yagyu Part 1 (1998)

Directed by Hitoshi Ozawa

Action | Fantasy

Most recently watched by sensoria


Yuko Moriyama stars in this ninja period piece as one of seven women determined to exact revenge on the evil lord Akinari Katou and “The 7 Spears”, the band of soldiers he commands. Trained assassins and skilled in sorcery, these men took over the Aizu prefecture and took its most beautiful young women as concubines. They left behind 7 daughters now seeking out Jyubei Yagyuu to help get revenge.

Length 106 minutes


Ryûshi Mizukami | Yûko Moriyama | Hitoshi Ozawa | Yasuyo Shirashima | Akaji Maro

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/13/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed6 stars

Viewing Notes

aka Kunoichi: Lady Ninja

Fun movie! Too bad the transfer from the Media Blaster BD isn’t so great. I’d still own it but would love to see a better release. Esp. bc it features fave Yuko Moriyama (Zëiram).


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