
Go Fishboy (2022)

Directed by Sebastian Doringer, Denise Cirone, Andrey Kolesov, Chiayu Liu, Zhen Tian, Lan Zhou

Animation | Fantasy | Short


A respected chef from a lineage of sushi makers attempts to connect with his son through the shared knowledge of the family trade. Tensions arise as he begins to notice a strange pattern of behavior in the young boy.

Length 6 minutes


Kazuki Teramoto | Yu-Jan Hsiung | Yume Nanbu | Yumi Narita | Yugo Yamada

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/12/2025ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Because it’s in Japanese and set at (what I presume to be) the Tsukiji Fish Market ofc I enjoyed it.


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