
Heading for Heaven (1947)

Directed by Lewis D. Collins



A fake swami and his crooked business partner, hoping to buy the land that’s targeted for a new airport, convince the property’s owner that he hasn’t long to live.

Rated NR | Length 65 minutes


Stuart Erwin | Glenda Farrell | Russ Vincent | Irene Ryan | Milburn Stone | George O'Hanlon | Janis Wilson | Ralph Hodges | Dick Elliott | Charles Williams | Harry Tyler | Ben Welden | Betty West | John Elliott | Jody Gilbert

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/14/2025TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

I like Glenda Farrell but she’s not in this enough to be top billed.


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