
The Dead Thing (2025)

Directed by Elric Kane

Supernatural | Horror


A young woman lost in a series of meaningless connections falls in love with a charismatic and sensitive man, who hides a dark secret that turns her affair into a dangerous obsession.

Rated NR | Length 94 minutes


Blu Hunt | Ben Smith-Petersen | John Karna | Katherine Hughes | Joey Millin | Brennan Mejia | Aerial Washington | Josh Marble | Emily Joy Lemus | Sally Sum

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/14/2025TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Impressive debut by Elric. I had forgotten this was his movie until the credits rolled. Kinda wild that his first feature* is better than anything his partner in (podcast) crime has done (Rebekah) that I’ve seen.

I didn’t see Brian Saur’s name in the thank yous.

*guess it’s not technically his debut but he hasn’t directed anything for 15 years so it kinda is a debut of sorts


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