
Momotaro, Japan's No.1 (1928)

Directed by Sanae Yamamoto

Animation | Fantasy | Short


Momotaro, the hero of the story, is born out of a giant peach his foster mother finds floating on the river.

Length 11 minutes


Midori Sawato

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/19/2025ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Momotaro is an asshole.

Why? this: ”[Momotaro] decides to go and defeat the ogres living on Ogre Island… After crossing the ocean and reaching the palace where the ogres live, Momotaro and his companions make the chief ogre surrender.”

I love the look of the ogres; would be a cool tattoo. Wonder if Harryhausen was influenced by them for his amazing Cyclops in 7th Voyage. I like the dog samurai, too, for a tattoo idea.

full description: An old man would go to the mountains to cut wood, while his wife would go to the river to wash clothes. One day, the old woman brings home a big peach that came floating down the river. When the old woman cuts the peach open, there is a sprightly boy inside. He punishes an ogre who was harassing the villagers, then he decides to go and defeat the ogres living on Ogre Island. The old man and woman make him some millet dumplings, known as kibi-dango. On the way, a monkey, a dog, and a pheasant join him. After crossing the ocean and reaching the palace where the ogres live, Momotaro and his companions make the chief ogre surrender. With gold, silver, coral, and other treasures in hand, Momotaro returns triumphant to his village.


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