
One Wonderful Sunday (1947)

Directed by Akira Kurosawa

Drama | Romance


Yuzo and his fiancĂ©e Masako spend their Sunday afternoon together, trying to have a good time on just thirty-five yen. They manage to have many small adventures, especially because Masako’s optimism and belief in dreams is able to lift Yuzo from his realistic despair.

Length 108 minutes


Isao Numasaki | Chieko Nakakita | Atsushi Watanabe | Zeko Nakamura | Toppa Utsumi | Ichiro Namiki | IchirĂ´ Sugai | Masao Shimizu | Tokuji Kobayashi | Shiro Mizutani | Aguri Hidaka | Midori Ariyama | Sachio Sakai | Katao Numazaki | Toshi Mori

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/02/2025TVDVDOwned8 stars
03/05/2010Movie ScreenFilmTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

Great to finally revisit this after first viewing it at the Stanford Theatre 15 years ago. I really love this movie, which is a hangout film with this couple on a Sunday afternoon as they figure out how to survive in a post-war world with little in their pockets.


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