
Dragon (2011)

Directed by Peter Chan

Drama | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria, krazykat


A sinful martial arts expert wants to start a new tranquil life, only to be hunted by a determined detective and his former master.

Rated R | Length 115 minutes


Donnie Yen | Takeshi Kaneshiro | Wei Tang | Jimmy Wang Yu | Kara Hui | Yin Zhu-Sheng | Zheng Wei | Li Jia-Min | Yu Kang | Kenji Tanigaki | Wu Jiang | Xiao Ran Li | Wang Chun-Yuan | Zhou Bo | Fei Wang

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/09/2025TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
11/17/2012TVDVDOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Long overdue revisit. Haven’t watched since we originally viewed at movie night in Batavia from my import DVD. Recently picked up the BD so wanted to give it a proper rewatch. People should point to this movie when they talk about Donnie Yen’s acting ability. He’s really good carrying the emotional heft of the drama.

Neat to see Tang Wei despite her not getting much to do in the thankless wife role. Wish Kara Wai got a little more screen time; she’s terrific. Jimmy Wang Yu has the perfect character for this. The One-Armed Swordsman homage is pretty cool. I wouldn’t have made the connection on my first viewing 13 years ago but it’s so obvious now.


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