
The Siege of Firebase Gloria (1989)

Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith

War | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria


A Marine patrol stops at Firebase Gloria at the start of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam war. With the firebase attacked, the patrol remains to help defend it.

Rated R | Length 97 minutes


Wings Hauser | R. Lee Ermey | Robert Arevalo | Margaret Gerard | Mark Neely | Gary Hershberger | Clyde Jones | Richard Kuhlman | John Calvin | Albert Popwell | Michael Cruz | Erich Hauser | Guel Romero | Donald Wilson | Nick Nicholson | Rey Cerdena | Val Victa | Dan Austin | David Anderson | Warren Dickson | Benny Collins | Greg Walsh | Henry Strakowski | Mike Soques | Raffy Soques | Don Holtz | Philip Gordon | Mark Miller | Warren Tiller | Chris Castillejos | Mark Calvo | Randy Knudson | Sanjay Oges | Sonny Bee | Femi Oladipupo | Mike Wonders | Ben Uri | Dennis Chuks | Chris Albert | Albert Bronski | Gerard Donlon | Thomas Brazze | Mike Wilson | Chika Chikason | Mike Silva | Simon Finch | Christine Erlandson | Greg Jones | Wendy Stone | Leila Johnson

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/24/2025TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars
03/21/2011TVBroadcastTV7.5 stars
09/19/2009TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

RIP Wings Hauser

Another excellent role and perfect playing against R.Lee Ermey.


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