
Herb & Dorothy (2009)

Directed by Megumi Sasaki


Most recently watched by zombiefreak


He was a postal clerk. She was a librarian. With their modest means, the couple managed to build one of the most important contemporary art collections in history. Meet Herb and Dorothy Vogel, whose shared passion and disciplines and defied stereotypes and redefined what it means to be an art collector.

Length 89 minutes


Herbert Vogel | Dorothy Vogel | Charlie Rose | Mike Wallace | Paula Antebi | Will Barnet | Robert Barry | Lynda Benglis | Michael Bloomberg

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/29/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Rather extraordinary tale of these two obsessive art collectors and the mark they’ve left in the community. Rather amazing.


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