Animation | Adventure | Action
Lupin is framed for the murder of Inspector Zenigata by a mysterious assailant holding a silver-coloured Walther P38 pistol Lupin himself once owned. Tracking the true killer leads Lupin to the island of the bloodthirsty Tarantula assassins inside the Devil’s Triangle. After joining the spider-tattooed army against their will, Lupin and his gang make both new friends and enemies as they not only plan to take home the Tarantulas’ massive gold repository for themselves, but hunt down the shooter from Lupin’s past. Can Lupin put to rest this demon who haunts his memories with the Walther P38?
Rated PG-13 | Length 93 minutes
Kanichi Kurita | Kiyoshi Kobayashi | Eiko Masuyama | Makio Inoue | Gorō Naya | Emi Shinohara | Masane Tsukayama | Kenji Utsumi | Kenichi Ogata | Masuo Amada | Show Hayami | Tetsuya Iwanaga | Eken Mine | Hiroshi Naka | Masaaki Tsukada | Toru Okawa | Yōsuke Akimoto | Choo | Yutaka Aoyama
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
02/11/2009 | TV | DVD | Owned | 6.5 stars |
(Average) 6.5 stars |
Lupin the 3rd - Island of Assassins isn’t your parents’ Lupin! This 1997 edition is hella more violent and bloody than those 70s classics. And not nearly as interesting or good.
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