
Cartoon Noir (1999)

Directed by Jiří Bárta, Pedro Serrazina, Piotr Dumała, Suzan Pitt, Paul Vester, Julie Zammarchi

Animation | Adventure | Science Fiction


Six animated shorts eschew traditional animation by featuring supernatural elements and darker themes, such as alien snatchings, life among mannequins and a spiritual rebirth. Among the films are “Ape,” which features a couple fighting over a cooked monkey every night; “The Story of the Cat and the Moon,” which is a tale of unrequited love; and “Gentle Spirit,” which is based on a Fyodor Dostoyevsky story.

Length 83 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/12/2009TVDVDRented6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Watched this compilation of six animated shorts… some very good and others not so much. Mixed bag but very interesting.


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