
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1995)

Directed by Kim Henkel

Horror | Thriller


After a group of Texas teenagers leave prom night early and get into a car crash in the woods, they employ the aid of a nearby insurance agent, who calls in her tow truck-driving boyfriend, Vilmer Slaughter. Unfortunately for them, Vilmer is a sadistic killer with a mechanical leg who introduces them to his brother, Leatherface, and the rest of their twisted family.

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Renée Zellweger | Matthew McConaughey | Robert Jacks | Tonie Perensky | Joe Stevens | Lisa Marie Newmyer | John Harrison | Tyler Shea Cone | James Gale | Chris Kilgore | Vince Brock | Susan Loughran | David Laurence | Grayson Victor Schirmacher | Jeanette Wiggins | Carmen Nogales | Lisa Caraveo | Les Martin | Adam White | Bill Wise | Loren Guerra | Derek Keele | Debra McMichael | Geri Wolcott | Axel L. Schiller | Andy Cockrum | Roger Roe | Angee Hughes | Rebecca Rosenberg | John Dugan | Paul A. Partain | Marilyn Burns | Ryan Wickerham | Derrick Sanders

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/26/2012TVDVDOwned7 stars
04/16/2009TVDVDOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Still recall the first time I saw this… before I knew the famous faces. Like this movie even though it’s not good.


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