
Finding Mr. Destiny (2010)

Directed by Chang You-jeong

Romance | Comedy

Most recently watched by lolareels


A man sets up the First Love Agency to help people locate their long-lost first love. But then he ends up falling in love with his first client.

Length 112 minutes


Im Soo-jung | Yoo Gong | Cheon Ho-jin | Jeon Soo-kyung | Ryu Seung-su | Cheong-a Lee | Lee Je-hoon | Kim Min-Ji | Lee Jun-ha | Jo Han-chul | Seon Jong-nam | Kim Dong-hyun | Shin Sung-rok | Jeong Gyu-su | Jeong Seong-hwa | Jang Young-nam | Oh Na-ra | Choi Il-hwa | Kim Mu-yeol | Choi Ji-ho | Won Ki-jun | Jeong Jun-ha | Oh Man-seok | Kim Dong-wook | Uhm Ki-joon | Seo Hyun-Chul | Lee Joo-young | Lee Jin Hee

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/24/2011Movie ScreenFilmTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Jang Yu-Jung’s directorial debut Finding Mr. Destiny (2011) a.k.a. Kim Jong-Ok Chatgi plays out its looking-for-love in an ugly duck framing quite nicely. Rather surprising considering I wasn’t expecting too much. The first hour moves a little slow as all the pieces are put into place but the second hour is really effective. The Burlesque/Star is Born moment is absolutely fantastic. Im Soo-Jung (I Am a Cyborg, Woochi) does a great job carrying the load.


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