
Caesar and Otto's Deadly Xmas (2012)

Directed by Dave Campfield

Comedy | Horror


Caesar and Otto are employed with Xmas Enterprises and have run into a little problem. It seems a disgruntled Santa (employee) has a new list this year…instead of checking who’s Naughty or Nice…he has Who’s Next on the Kill List. That’s right Santa is on a Killing Spree and looks to blame Caesar and Otto!

Length 90 minutes


Dave Campfield | Paul Chomicki | Linnea Quigley | Ken MacFarlane | Deron Miller | Summer Ferguson | Scott Aguilar | Avi K. Garg | Samantha Barrios | Robin Ritter | Dawn Burdue | Devorah Lynne Dishington | Joe Estevez | Paul Guay | Lloyd Kaufman | Debbie Rochon | Brinke Stevens | Victoria Vertuga | Robert Z'Dar | Felissa Rose | Shawn C. Phillips | Lauren Francesca

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/07/2012Movie ScreenDVDTheater5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Still undecided on this one… def has moments that I like a lot but cemented with a few too many eye-rolling scenes. I may just watch it again when it hits home video. Love seeing Linnea and Brinke but they’re given so little to do. Also following (at least) three separate storylines made it a tad confusing when tying them together. Not the best start for my HorrorHound Weekend.


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