
Unit 7 (2012)

Directed by Alberto Rodríguez

Crime | Action | Drama

Most recently watched by sensoria, noahphex, Javitron


Angel, a young intelligent and kind, aims to be a police inspector. Rafael instead is an expeditious, forceful and arrogant policeman. Meanwhile, Miguel and Mateo are part of Group 7, a group of rogue cops ready to do anything to achieve their goals.

Length 95 minutes


Antonio de la Torre | Mario Casas | Julián Villagrán | José Manuel Poga | Inma Cuesta | Joaquín Núñez | Estefanía de los Santos | Alfonso Sánchez | Carlos Olalla | Lucía Guerrero | Diana Lázaro | Jesús Carroza | Óscar Corrales | Alberto López | Jacinto Bobo | Manuel Bernal | Daniel Morilla

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/24/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

My 3rd film on Day 5, 21st feature overall @ FF2012. Nothing new in the Good Cop/Bad Cop/Good Cop category but well-executed with solid acting. Also really appreciate setting this tale against the backdrop of the years leading up to World Expo in 1992. Captures that period of the late 80s rather well. One of the better films I saw at Fantastic Fest 2012. Decent crime thriller worth seeking out.


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