
Plastic (2010)

Directed by Jose Carlos Gomez

Horror | Thriller


Another woman has gone missing on the hottest day of the year. The death toll rises with the temperature, and while everyone else is staying in, Albert Mullin is out, prowling the streets and alleyways. 

Length 80 minutes


North Roberts | Colleen Boag | Matthew E. Prochazka | Christian Gray | Laura Locascio | Iris Kohl | Jen Buhrow | Harold Dennis | Walt Sloan | Alex Gonzalez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/28/2012Movie ScreenDVDTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

2nd feature film on Day One at Chicago Horror Film Festival. Odd that a 2-year old film received inclusion but it probably hasn’t been seen much (I recall a past screening event that I missed). Low budget serial killer flick that wears indie horror on its sleeve. That said, it’s effective in conveying the terror of this maniac kidnapping woman and storing them throughout his home. The corrupt cop side-story is bit clunky but serves its purpose in making him a despicable anti-hero. Not a great movie but watchable and a good addition to CHFF.


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