
Phantasm (1979)

Directed by Don Coscarelli

Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sensoria, AllAboutSteve, philipjablon, schofizzy, noahphex, eduardovictory, pknail, krazykat


A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber, known only as the Tall Man, who employs a lethal arsenal of unearthly weapons.

Rated R | Length 89 minutes


Angus Scrimm | A. Michael Baldwin | Bill Thornbury | Reggie Bannister | Kathy Lester | Terrie Kalbus | Kenneth V. Jones | Susan Harper | Lynn Eastman-Rossi | David Arntzen | Ralph Richmond | Bill Cone | Laura Mann | Mary Ellen Shaw | Myrtle Scotton | Kate Coscarelli | Dac Coscarelli

Viewing History (seen 6 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/29/2023TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
12/21/2018TVBroadcastVideo on Demand0 stars
10/20/2018Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed7.5 stars
08/05/2016Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars
10/14/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars
09/30/2009TVDVDLibrary7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Tenth film of Music Box of Horrors movie marathon. Happy to finally see this on the big screen despite the washed out print. Such a unique and enduring film. Also my last movie the marathon since I had to get some sleep for the next event at Portage. Left around 6:30am after 18+ hours. Not bad. Could’ve stay for more had it not been for the Sunday Day of Firsts event.


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