
Leaves of Grass (2009)

Directed by Tim Blake Nelson

Comedy | Crime | Drama

Most recently watched by noahphex


An Ivy League professor returns home, where his pot-growing twin brother has concocted a plan to take down a local drug lord.

Rated R | Length 104 minutes


Edward Norton | Susan Sarandon | Richard Dreyfuss | Keri Russell | Melanie Lynskey | Lucy DeVito | Kent Jude Bernard | Amelia Campbell | Tim Blake Nelson | Randal Reeder | Leo Fabian | Pruitt Taylor Vince | Tina Parker | Ty Burrell | Josh Pais | Lisa Benavides | Steven E. Williams | Maggie Siff | Tim Ware | Ken Cheeseman | Steve Earle | Lee Wilkof | Jim Henry

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/01/2013TVBroadcastTV3 stars


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