
Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010)

Directed by James Nguyen

Horror | Romance | Thriller

Most recently watched by seanCduregger, themarc, noahphex


A platoon of eagles and vultures attacks the residents of a small town. Many people die. It’s not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?

Rated NR | Length 93 minutes


Alan Bagh | Whitney Moore | Janae Caster | Colton Osborne | Adam Sessa | Catherine Batcha | Patsy van Ettinger | Damien Carter | Rick Camp | Stephen Gustavson | Danny Webber | Mona Lisa Moon | Natalie Yonkers | Laura Cassidy | Bonnie Steiger | Eric Swartz | Zoya Shybkouskaya | Cameron Palmer | Milan Lee | James Z. Feng | James Nguyen | Joe Teixeira | Jessica Osborne | Justin Osborne | Payton Osborne | Hailey Osborne | Chase Osborne | Kim Sisemore | Martha Sisemore | Ken Agostino | Thomas Cokenias | Lindsey Moore | Kirsten Moore | Carlos Seletaria | Vanessa Quan | Abe Shawesh | Deborah Pacheo | Diane Urbano | Patrick Donahue | Steve McMoy | Jaime Soria | Jerry Madison | George Canahauti | Daniel Mai | John Grant | Tippi Hedren

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/02/2010Movie ScreenFilmTheater2.5 stars


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