
The Great 2013 Superman Project

Trying to watch every movie where Superman is the central character, as well as Supergirl before MAN OF STEEL arrives.

themarc logged 20 movies during The Great 2013 Superman Project. Back to Events Overview.

Movies logged during The Great 2013 Superman Project
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Superman: DoomsdayBruce Timm, Lauren Montgomery, Brandon Vietti200705/20/2013
Superman/Batman: Public EnemiesSam Liu200905/29/2013
Superman/Batman: ApocalypseLauren Montgomery201005/23/2013
Justice League: Crisis on Two EarthsLauren Montgomery, Sam Liu201005/30/2013
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black AdamJoaquim Dos Santos201005/14/2013
All Star SupermanSam Liu201105/21/2013
Superman vs. The EliteMichael Chang201205/22/2013
Justice League: DoomLauren Montgomery201205/28/2013
Superman: UnboundJames Tucker201306/06/2013
Man of SteelZack Snyder201306/15/2013