
Paranoia (1969)

Directed by Umberto Lenzi


Most recently watched by sleestakk


Following the death of her wealthy husband, American widow Kathryn West migrates to Italy and takes up a reclusive existence in a luxurious villa. After quickly succumbing to the charms of a local man, she lets him move into the villa and the two are later joined by his sister, which soon leads to complications.

Length 91 minutes


Carroll Baker | Lou Castel | Colette Descombes | Tino Carraro | Lilla Brignone | Franco Pesce | Tina Lattanzi | Jacques Stany | Sara Simoni | Gaetano Imbró | Calisto Calisti | Alberto Corchi | Maria Rosiello | Joseph Guilty

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/12/2014TVOtherBorrowed3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Interesting giallo-eque flick filled with mystery and sex. You might also go crazy after hearing the same song about 6 dozen times.


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