
Veronica (2017)

Directed by Paco Plaza


Most recently watched by sleestakk


In 1991 Madrid, after holding a séance at school, a teen girl minding her younger siblings at home suspects an evil force has entered their apartment.

Rated R | Length 105 minutes


Sandra Escacena | Bruna González | Claudia Placer | Iván Chavero | Ana Torrent | Consuelo Trujillo | Ángela Fabián | Carla Campra | Chema Adeva | Miranda Gas | Luis Rallo | Maru Valdivielso | Iñaki Nebreda Peñagarikano | Samuel Romero | Sonia Almarcha | Carlos Cristino | Nayara Feito | Josu Bravo | Núria Gago | Leticia Dolera | Gema Matarranz | Natalia Mateo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/26/2018TVStreamingRented3.5 stars


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