
Movies by Tag

zombiefreak has logged 196 movies that were tagged with “2015-new.”

Movies tagged with “2015-new”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Ride AlongTim Story201401/23/2015
Interview, TheSeth Rogen, Evan Goldberg201401/25/2015
ThiefMichael Mann198101/25/2015
Company You Keep, TheRobert Redford201201/28/2015
Night Child, TheMassimo Dallamano197501/28/2015
PCUHart Bochner199401/28/2015
LucyLuc Besson201402/01/2015
Jackass 3.5Jeff Tremaine201102/01/2015
Mulberry StreetJim Mickle200602/02/2015
Paganini HorrorLuigi Cozzi198902/03/2015