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The Statue (1971)

Directed by Rod Amateau


Bolt, a British linguist, develops a universal language, so he’s a sudden sensation and receives a Nobel prize. An ambitious diplomat, capitalizing on Bolt’s celebrity, arranges for the U.S. to commission a statue for a London square to honor Bolt’s achievement. Bolt’s Italian wife, a renowned artist, sculpts an 18-foot nude of Bolt. In a pique, because he’s neglected her for years to do his work, she gives the statue a spectacular phallus, telling Bolt that he wasn’t its model. Thinking he’s a cuckold, Bolt goes on a jealous search for a man matching the statue. The diplomat, too, wants changes in the statue to protect his conservative image. Can art and love reconcile?

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


John Cleese | Graham Chapman | Erik Chitty | Robert Vaughn | David Niven | Zoe Sallis | Tim Brooke-Taylor | Virna Lisi | Derek Francis | Hugh Burden | Ann Bell | Desmond Walter-Ellis | Susan Travers | Mario Guizzardi | David Allister | Maureen Lane