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Wild Gavrila (1976)

Directed by Leonid Makarychev


A circus arrives in a provincial town. Without any malicious intent, the local kids steal a trained bear named Gavrila from the circus to set him free…

Length 72 minutes


Natalya Bubnova | Vitaly Buyanov | Andrey Zharenov | Kostya Tolstov | Sasha Kussul | Mikhail Boyarskiy | Mikhail Devyatkin | Andrey Melaned | Misha Yegorov | Seryozha Kuzin | Sasha Pozharsky | Nikolai Boyarsky | Mikhail Vasilyev | Yuri Goncharov | Yefim Kamenetsky | Svetlana Kireeva | Nikolai Prokopovich | Ernst Romanov | Stanislav A. Sokolov | Vera Titova | Lyubov Tishchenko | Georgiy Shtil | Yuri Kuklachyov