In this intriguing, bittersweet picture of the factory atmosphere from the era of socialist self-management, we follow the story of the factory porter Djuro who, unlike his colleagues, has been unable to get an apartment within “social ownership” for years.
Length 85 minutes
Milan Srdoč | Božidar Smiljanić | Vanja Drach | Mustafa Nadarević | Zlatko Madunić | Fabijan Sovagovic | Boris Buzancic | Kruno Valentić | Zdenka Trach | Ana Karić | Lela Margitić | Neva Bulić | Edo Peročević | Zvonimir Torjanac | Vladimir Puhalo | Sabrija Biser | Dragan Sučić | Danko Ljuština | Rajko Bundalo