The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing talent. The sketches are linked by animation sequences. The music score is by British jazz musician Roy Budd, cinematography by Harvey Harrison and editing by Rod Nelson-Keys and Roy Piper. It was produced by Tigon Pictures and distributed in the U.K. by Tigon Film Distributors Ltd..
Length 107 minutes
Spike Milligan | Marty Feldman | Leslie Phillips | Harry H. Corbett | Yvonne Paul | Bruce Forsyth | Felicity Devonshire | Paul Whitsun-Jones | Bernard Bresslaw | Joan Sims | Roy Hudd | Julie Samuel | Cheryl Hall | Suzanne Heath | Harry Secombe | Geoffrey Bayldon | June Whitfield | Carmel Cryan | Julie Ege | Patrick Newell | Rosemarie Reede | Sarah Golding | Bob Guccione | Tina McDowall | Cheryl Kennedy | Bill Pertwee | Mary Baxter | Anouska Hempel | Kenneth Earle | Nicole Yerna | Sue Bond | Ian Carmichael | Alfie Bass | Audrey Nicholson | Sheila Bernette | Robert Gillespie | Keith Smith | Ivor Dean | Melvyn Hayes | Ronnie Brody | Ronnie Barker | Peter Butterworth | Davy Kaye | David Lodge | Cardew Robinson | Madeline Smith | Ronald Fraser | Stephen Lewis | Arthur Howard | Dawn Beret | Brian Estabrook | Graham Stark