This loosely plotted coming-of-age tale follows the life of 15-year-old Laurent Chevalier as he stumbles his way over the burgeoning swell of adolescence in 1950s France. After having his first sexual experience with a prostitute and dodging the lips of a priest, Chevalier contracts a case of scarlet fever. When the fever leaves him with a heart murmur, Chevalier is placed in a sanatorium, along with his over-attentive and adulterous mother.
Length 118 minutes
Lea Massari | Benoît Ferreux | Marc Winocourt | Fabien Ferreux | Daniel Gélin | Michael Lonsdale | Ave Ninchi | Annie Savarin | Gila von Weitershausen | Micheline Bona | Henri Poirier | Liliane Sorval | Jacqueline Chauvaud | Corinne Kersten | René Bouloc | Jacques Gheusi | Jacques Sereys | Yvon Lec | Bernadette Robert | Michel Charrel