Carpenter Pepe El Toro lives peacefully with his daughter Chachita in an impoverished Mexico City neighborhood. He pursues a romance with the pretty Celia, but tragedy comes knocking on his door when he is falsely accused of having perpetrated a felony.
Length 128 minutes
Pedro Infante | Blanca Estela Pavón | Evita Muñoz | Carmen Montejo | Miguel Inclán | Rafael Storm | Katy Jurado | María Gentil Arcos | Delia Magaña | Amelia Wilhelmy | Pedro de Urdimalas | Lidia Franco | Jorge Arriaga | Abel Cureño | Jesús García | Conchita Gentil Arcos | Julio Ahuet | Jaime Jiménez Pons | Salvador Quiroz | Hilda Vera