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Terminal Island (1973)

Directed by Stephanie Rothman

Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk


In the wake of a Supreme Court decision to outlaw the death penalty, California passes an initiative that designates San Bruno island as a dumping spot for first-degree murder convicts, free to do what they like except leave. The main camp of convicts is controlled by the tyrannical Bobby, who rules with an iron hand, and the women are used as sex slaves. A.J. and a group of more free-minded murderers have escaped and gone into hiding. When A.J. and his men liberate the women from Bobby’s custody, tensions mount to an all-out confrontation for control of the island.

Rated R | Length 88 minutes


Don Marshall | Phyllis Davis | Ena Hartman | Marta Kristen | Barbara Leigh | Randy Boone | Sean Kenney | Tom Selleck | Roger E. Mosley | Geoffrey Deuel | Ford Clay | Jo Morrow | Clyde Ventura | Frank Christi | James Whitworth | Richard Stahl | Sandy Ward | Albert Cole | Chris Allen | Richard Taylor | Ray Saniger | Dirty Denny