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The German anti-fascist Max in 1939 emigrated to the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the Soviet partisan detachment and died, performing a responsible mission. After many years, her companion in guerrilla warfare, Lyudmila, was able to realize their common dream — to climb to the top of Mount Rübezahl.
Length 89 minutes
Aurimas Babkauskas | Lyubov Rumyantseva | Aleksey Eybozhenko | Valentin Smirnitskiy | Elena Korolyova | Lyudmila Gurchenko | Ingrid Andrina | Valentin Gaft | Lyubov Sokolova | Natalya Chetverikova | Viktor Semyonovskiy | Natalya Baitalskaya | Augustas Baltrušaitis | Anda Zaice | Irina Petrovskaya | Pavel Kormunin | Iosif Konopatsky | Sergey Massarsky | Pyotr Merkuryev | Nikolay Muravyev | Lyudmila Nilova | Irina Sokolova | Stanislav A. Sokolov | Lyubov Tishchenko | Georgiy Shtil | Oleg Dal