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Terror in the Jungle (1968)

Directed by Tom DeSimone, Andrew Janczak, Alex Graton

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Little boy Henry Clayton Jr. survives a plane crash in the untamed Amazon jungle. However, he’s discovered by a tribe of vicious savages who plan on sacrificing him. Meanwhile, Henry’s father ventures into the jungle to find the missing lad before it’s too late.

Length 84 minutes


Kris Fasseas | Bob Burns | Fawn Silver | Ben Pfeiffer | Joan Addis | Cynthia McArthur | Ivan Stephan | Robert Bridges | Lee Childress | Lizie Curtis | Jeanette Rollins | James C. Gates | William Cocklin | Byrd Holland | Elaine Partnow | Faith Christopher | Henning Bystron | Cholita Suray | Fernando LarraƱaga | Jimmy Angle