
Mother/Android (2021)

Directed by Mattson Tomlin

Science Fiction | Thriller


Georgia and her boyfriend Sam go on a treacherous journey to escape their country, which is caught in an unexpected war with artificial intelligence. Days away from the arrival of their first child, the couple must face No Man’s Land—a stronghold of the android uprising—in hopes of reaching safety before giving birth.

Rated R | Length 111 minutes


Chloë Grace Moretz | Algee Smith | Raúl Castillo | Kiara Pichardo | Oscar Wahlberg | Jared Reinfeldt | Stephen Thorne | Jon F. Merz | Tamara Hickey | Linnea Gardner | Christian J. Mallen | Liam McNeill | Jason Bowen | Hana Kim | Benz Veal | Will Lyman | Owen Burke | Kate Avallone | Celeste Olivia | David Pridemore | Steve M. Robertson | John Bucy | Adobuere Ebiama | Eumi Ahn | Jose Guns Alves | Alex Lederman

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/09/2025TabletStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Always a bummer when the story starts with the ending.


1 month ago

This is a movie I didn’t know existed until now!

1 month ago

I really wanted to like this movie more than I did!  I like the idea of killer robots and I like Chloe GM.  But it just fell a bit flat for me - but could certainly be included in a Christmas watch.  :)