
The Canal (2014)

Directed by Ivan Kavanagh

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by archstanton43, schofizzy, sensoria, sleestakk


A man who suspects his wife is cheating on him begins having nightmarish visions of an evil presence that he believes inhabits his house.

Rated NR | Length 93 minutes


Rupert Evans | Antonia Campbell-Hughes | Hannah Hoekstra | Steve Oram | Kelly Byrne | Serena Brabazon | Anthony Murphy | Calum Heath | Paddy Curran | Maura Foley | Carl Shaaban | Sinead Watters | Alicja Ayres | Conor Horgan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/21/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes

via Netflix

A film archivist sees footage revealing that his happy home was once the scene of a gruesome murder, which casts evil shadows upon his present life.  There are some really interesting ideas here and I liked how it was playing out for the most part.  They leave it a bit ambiguous and I loved the inclusion of the older style film camera.  While the acting is quite good, it kind of falls apart a bit when it ceases to be ambiguous and goes one way on us and then another later.  It’s well done I just wish it could figure out where it wanted to go with this rather then kind of leaving the viewer hanging on what’s been going on.


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