
The Flu (2013)

Directed by Kim Sung-soo

Drama | Thriller | Disaster

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A case of the flu quickly morphs into a pandemic. As the death toll mounts and the living panic, the government plans extreme measures to contain it.

Rated R | Length 122 minutes


Jang Hyuk | Soo Ae | MinAh Park | Yoo Hae-jin | Ma Dong-seok | Lee Hee-joon | Lee Sang-yeob | Cha In-pyo | KiHyeon Kim | Park Hyo-ju | Park Jung-min | Choi Byung-mo | Kim Moon-Soo | Lee Seung-joon | Jang Kyoung-Up | Na Ki-soo | Nam Moon-chul | Seon Uk-hyeon | Seol Chang-Hee | So Hee-jung | Andrew William Brand | Park Jin-hyeok

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/13/2015ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

via Netflix

When people in a South Korean suburb start dropping like flies from a deadly airborne respiratory disease, the area is quarantined and chaos reigns. There is a lot going on with this film and it does a great job balancing out the story with all the characters going on.  This is very much a virus thriller in that it keeps you in suspense throughout.  The actors do a great job and the actress in the role of the little irl isn’t just adorable but acts right along with the adult actors.  It’s interesting to see how filmmakers in Korea believe things would go down with a super virus and on top of that the US interference while the Korean people are just trying to do their jobs.  If you like films like Outbreak, this is right up your alley.


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