
The Flu (2013)

Directed by Kim Sung-soo

Thriller | Disaster | Horror

Most recently watched by ashe5k


A case of the flu quickly morphs into a pandemic. As the death toll mounts and the living panic, the government plans extreme measures to contain it.

Rated R | Length 122 minutes


Jang Hyuk | Soo Ae | MinAh Park | Yoo Hae-jin | Ma Dong-seok | Lee Hee-joon | Lee Sang-yeob | Cha In-pyo | KiHyeon Kim | Park Hyo-ju | Park Jung-min | Choi Byung-mo | Kim Moon-Soo | Lee Seung-joon | Jang Kyoung-Up | Na Ki-soo | Nam Moon-chul | Seon Uk-hyeon | Seol Chang-Hee | So Hee-jung | Andrew William Brand | Park Jin-hyeok | Kim Hyeong-seok

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/08/2013Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Full disclosure: I’m not a fan of virus outbreak movies. Was reluctant to see this film simply because the title told me all I needed to know (coupled with the movie poster and tagline “Death goes viral”). I already have a huge hangup with germs so seeing films about an epidemic so easily spread is more than unnerving.

But this is a new S.Korean release so of course I’m going to view it. Yes, the slow-mo images of people coughing is disgusting. But really the entire outbreak and result is horrifying. Possibly the most terrifying new movie I’ve seen this year. But as they are wont to do, South Koreans love to pile on. And pile on they do.

Just when you think things can’t get worse, they do. Of course. But it doesn’t stop there. It gets to the post of being absurd with how far they will go to push the melodrama buttons. That said I did really enjoy this movie. Took about an hour into its 2-hour runtime to get fully on board but it proves to be quite a ride. I recommend this film unless you’re mysophobic.

Stick around for the credits tag which is a long sequence and a cute epilogue.


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