
The Deadly Spawn (1983)

Directed by Douglas McKeown


Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, sleestakk, lolareels


When a meteorite touches down in the New Jersey woods carrying a monstrous alien slug, it’s up to four teens to stop it before it’s terrifying brood consumes all life on Earth!

Rated R | Length 81 minutes


Charles George Hildebrandt | Tom DeFranco | Richard Lee Porter | Jean Tafler | Karen Tighe | James Brewster | Elissa Neil | Ethel Michelson | John Schmerling | Judith Mayes | Diane Stevens | Darlene Kenley | Madeline Charanis | Andrew Michaels | John Arndt | Jack Piccuro | Ted A. Bohus | Robert Bohus | William Sorgi | Michael Mastrobaltista | Michael Robert Coleman | Tim Hildebrandt | Rita Hildebrandt | Diane Bohus | Ted Bohus Sr. | Joe Kanarek | Gabriel Bartalos | Cliff Rubin | Jonathan Neil Harris | Margaret Truit | Jon Cavaluzzo | Lucile Riley | Jean E. McPherson | John Tiger | Eric C. Hammarstrom | Joseph Haggerty | Skip Williamson | Gary De Franco | Ken Burge | David Steck

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/14/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater6 stars


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