Movies logged featuring Francis Ford CoppolaMaking of Marie Antoinette, The | Eleanor Coppola | 2007 | No | N/A |
Wim Wenders, Desperado | Eric Friedler | 2020 | No | N/A |
Costumes Are the Sets: The Design of Eiko Ishioka, The | Kim Aubry | 2007 | No | N/A |
Godfather: When the Shooting Stopped, The | | 2008 | No | N/A |
Last Days of Marlon Brando, The | Jean-François Delassus | 2008 | No | N/A |
Breaking the Silence: The Making of Hannibal | Charles de Lauzirika | 2001 | No | N/A |
Indiana Jones: The Search for the Lost Golden Age | Clélia Cohen, Antoine Coursat | 2021 | No | N/A |
Hannibal Hopkins & Sir Anthony | Clara Kuperberg, Julia Kuperberg | 2021 | No | N/A |
Martin Scorsese, l'Italo-Américain | Camille Juza, Yal Sadat | 2023 | No | N/A |
Godfather Comes to Sixth St., The | Mark Kitchell | 1976 | No | N/A |