
Rigor Mortis (2013)

Directed by Juno Mak

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sleestakk, archstanton43, Javitron, noahphex


When a former actor moves into an apartment building with the intention of commiting suicide, he is saved by a Taoist priest who used to specialize in hunting Chinese hopping vampires: or Jiāngshī. Elsewhere in the building, a woman turns to a specialist in black magic to bring her husband back to life.

Length 105 minutes


Chin Siu Ho | Anthony Chan | Kara Hui | Lo Hoi-Pang | Pau Hei-Ching | Richard Ng | Billy Lau | Chung Fat | Ko Cheun-Man | Morris Ho Kwong-Yui | Oggy Ho Hong-Man | Zip Ho Kin-Man | Bobo Tsang Bo | Giselle Lam | Lau Chak-Sun | Fung Kwok-Shing | Aaron Lo Pui-Him | Cheung Wing-Foo | Yang Yi-Yi

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/26/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars
09/20/2013Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Slow moving and cryptic at times, this homage to the horror-comedy series Mr. Vampire still tied everything together in the end and I liked it quite a bit. I especially enjoyed the jumping vampire creature and some of the odd supernatural things. If you pay attention you’ll get the payoff, if not, then things will probably tend to not make sense.


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