
Killers (2014)

Directed by Timo Tjahjanto, Kimo Stamboel

Crime | Drama | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A psychotic executive triggers a journalist’s dark side, and they begin to form a strange bond through the internet.

Length 137 minutes


Kazuki Kitamura | Oka Antara | Rin Takanashi | Luna Maya | Ray Sahetapy | Mei Kurokawa | Tara Basro | Epy Kusnandar | Ersya Aurelia | Tensui Sakai | Denden | Dimas Argobie | Steve Jean | Yuki Konoe | Roy Marten | Lily S.P. | Tristan | Firza Afero | Cansirano | Anandita | Motoki Fukami | Kosei Hattanda | Mio Kadoshima | Momoko | Ryƻto | Nikolaus Samesada | Habibie Alatas | Bastian | Maratuah | Ajoy Ardi | Deden | Eka | Ade | Saat | Herry | Gondo | Stanlee Saklil | Anggika | Rika | Salsabila | Ali Al Tway | Andre Yosinda | Raka Alfianto | Benny | Dafa | Saad Afero

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/14/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

My first film of Denver Film Fest almost didn’t happen because of a crazy series of car- and weather-related issues. Luckily I got my rental car in time to drive into Denver and arrive with about 10 minutes to spare.

There’s a lot to like about Killers. It was more low key and dramatic than I was expecting, which actually works in the movie’s favor. It doesn’t beat you over the head with the two central characters’ back stories, providing just enough to be intriguing and give them some depth, allowing the viewer to expand on the framework to suit their own needs.

There are some jarring tonal shifts and the ending, while appropriate in substance, felt ham-fisted and hokey in execution, which took away from the film.

This was a great way to kick off the festival for me since I’d been looking forward to the movie for quite a while. There was a healthy-sized crowd at the screening but still nowhere near what it would have had at Fantastic Fest. This is really my first non-genre film festival so I wasn’t sure what to expect.


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