
Foxcatcher (2014)

Directed by Bennett Miller

Drama | History | Sports

Most recently watched by themarc, CaptainBigTime, schofizzy, sleestakk, jeneot33


The greatest Olympic Wrestling Champion brother team joins Team Foxcatcher led by multimillionaire sponsor John E. du Pont as they train for the 1988 games in Seoul - a union that leads to unlikely circumstances.

Rated R | Length 134 minutes


Steve Carell | Channing Tatum | Mark Ruffalo | Sienna Miller | Vanessa Redgrave | Anthony Michael Hall | Guy Boyd | Brett Rice | Jackson Frazer | Samara Lee | Francis J. Murphy III | Jane Mowder | David Bennett | Lee Perkins | Robert Haramia | Daniel Hilt | Bryan Cook | David Zabriskie | Zach Rey | Reece Humphrey | J.D. Bergman | Corey Jantzen | Frederick Feeney | Mark Schultz | Lee Kemp | Jake Herbert | Donald Modrick | Gabrielle Burton | Kevin Cooke | Richard E. Chapla Jr. | Bill Ehrin | Roger Callard | Dan Anders | Barry Vlanich | Sam Brehm | Stan Dziedzic | David Miller | Brian Baumgartner | Joe Russo | Ken Williams | Gene Mills | John C. Baxter | Rick Steigerwald | Marc Snider | Jaz Securo | Corey Walker | Alan Oppenheimer | Joe Fishel | Jackson Nunn

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/30/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

For my last movie of November my wife and I drove down to the Mayan in Denver to watch this since it’s the only place it’s playing. Unfortunately, our screening was in theater #2 upstairs which has terribly cramped seating and a small screen.

It could have been the theater experience that left me feeling less impressed than I figured I would. Regardless, it’s impossible to ignore the quality acting from all three leads. When you stop seeing the actor and start seeing the character, especially with name actors and bonafide stars, you know you’re getting something special.

This is especially true with the physical cadence of Ruffalo and Tatum, who both lumber around in a way uniquely peculiar to wrestlers; and in Tatum’s lowered chin, not-quite-scowling look of fatalistic determination/resignation.

On the minus side, there felt like too big a gap between the winning of the ‘87 World Games and the training leading up to the ‘88 Olympics. I wasn’t fully on board with the transformation of Tatum’s character and it made it more difficult to accept the later actions and consequences.

If this ends up playing at Sie Film Center or at Century Boulder I just may go see it again for the benefit of a better theater experience. Then again, there’s always other movies to see so perhaps not.


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