
Three Days of the Condor (1975)

Directed by Sydney Pollack

Thriller | Drama

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sleestakk, PeterMartin


A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust.

Rated R | Length 117 minutes


Robert Redford | Faye Dunaway | Cliff Robertson | Max von Sydow | John Houseman | Addison Powell | Walter McGinn | Tina Chen | John Randolph Jones | Michael Kane | Don McHenry | Jess Osuna | Dino Narizzano | Helen Stenborg | Patrick Gorman | Hansford Rowe | Carlin Glynn | Hank Garrett | Michael Miller | Arthur French | Jay Devlin | Frank Savino | Robert Phalen | Garrison Phillips | Lee Steele | Ed Crowley | John Connell | Norman Bush | James Keane | Ed Setrakian | Myron Natwick | Michael Prince | Carol Gustafson | Sal Schillizzi | Harmon William | David Bowman | Eileen Gordon | Robert Dahdah | Steve Bonino | Jennifer Rose | David Allen | Glenn Ferguson | Paul Dwyer | Marian Swan | Dorothi Fox | Ernest Harden Jr. | Beverly Goodman | Russell Johnson | Bruce Moreno | Lauren Simon

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/22/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand9 stars

Viewing Notes

One of the great cynical “spy” movies to come out of the 1970s, wrapping up the anti-government/anti-big business sentiment into a neat package. I’ve always loved Faye Dunaway in this film (but not as much as I love her in The Getaway or Bonnie & Clyde).


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