
Three Days of the Condor (1975)

Directed by Sydney Pollack


Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sensoria, PeterMartin


A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust.

Rated R | Length 117 minutes


Robert Redford | Faye Dunaway | Cliff Robertson | Max von Sydow | John Houseman | Addison Powell | Walter McGinn | Tina Chen | John Randolph Jones | Michael Kane | Don McHenry | Jess Osuna | Dino Narizzano | Helen Stenborg | Patrick Gorman | Hansford Rowe | Carlin Glynn | Hank Garrett | Michael Miller | Arthur French | Jay Devlin | Frank Savino | Robert Phalen | Garrison Phillips | Lee Steele | Ed Crowley | John Connell | Norman Bush | James Keane | Ed Setrakian | Myron Natwick | Michael Prince | Carol Gustafson | Sal Schillizzi | Harmon William | David Bowman | Eileen Gordon | Robert Dahdah | Steve Bonino | Jennifer Rose | David Allen | Glenn Ferguson | Paul Dwyer | Marian Swan | Dorothi Fox | Ernest Harden Jr. | Beverly Goodman | Russell Johnson | Bruce Moreno | Lauren Simon

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/09/2020TVBlu-rayLibrary8 stars

Viewing Notes

RIP Max von Sydow
10 April 1929 – 8 March 2020

Great film and another reminder why I believe the 1970s is the best decade of cinema. (Also the decade during my formative years so movies like this feel familiar even if I haven’t see them before)

To celebrate the amazing career of Max von Sydow, who we learned this morning has passed at age 90, I decided to watch something older that I hadn’t seen featuring him. This title has been on my radar for years and I don’t really know why I’ve not crossed it off the list. Maybe bc it’s just always been around?

Anyways this is a great film and falls snuggly into that subset of political/conspiracy thrillers that was a hallmark of the cinema cynicism in the 70s. I think of All The President’s Men, The Conversation, The Parallax View, and others I’m forgetting or just haven’t seen yet. The general theme of no one can be believed and no one can trusted.

MvS is really good as the hit man for hire just doing a job and aligning with whoever pays him. Redford does the man on the run well enough and I love Dunaway in support even if she’s not given a lot to do here. Cliff Robertson is aces. Also appreciate the on-location filming in NYC and how damn proud they were of the World Trade Center. So very 1970s! Similarly how this movie is an unintentional Christmas film is so perfect. Had I known that sooner I would’ve fired this up some December ago!

I’d love to see this on the big screen. Can’t recall ever seeing a rep showing for this movie which is sad.


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