
Blood Machines (2019)

Directed by Raphaël Hernandez, Savitri Joly-Gonfard

Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sleestakk


An artificial intelligence escapes her spaceship to turn into a female ghost and challenges two blade runners to a galactic chase.

Length 50 minutes


Elisa Lasowski | Anders Heinrichsen | Christian Erickson | Natasha Cashman | Walter Dickerson | Joëlle Berckmans | Noémie Stevens | Alexandra Flandrin | Marion Levavasseur | Garance Silve | Vera Lavender | Anna Bozovic | Agathe Dewispelaere

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/12/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars
09/23/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Not sure why Shudder has this as a series broken into three parts. Put it on more for something to have playing then to pay specific attention to but still got sucked back in. This is one of those movies I could imagine playing in the background at a house party back in my college days.


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