
Warning from Space (1956)

Directed by Koji Shima

Science Fiction | Disaster

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Large star-shaped aliens travel to earth in hopes of warning them about an oncoming catastrophe. To prevent panic about their appearance, one alien takes the form of a popular singer.

Length 87 minutes


Keizô Kawasaki | Toyomi Karita | Bin Yagisawa | Shôzô Nanbu | Bontarô Miake | Mieko Nagai | Kiyoko Hirai | Isao Yamagata | Sachiko Meguro | Fumiko Okamura | Tetsuya Watanabe | Akira Natsuki | Shiko Saito | Yûzô Hayakawa | Kanji Kawahara

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/02/2020Home TheaterBroadcastVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

A nice old sci-fi disaster movie from Daiei studios, shot in color. Really interesting to watch this paired with DEATHQUAKE to see the differences in society in 25 years. This feels more tied to traditional Japanese culture with wooden buildings, narrow pedestrian streets, traditional shops and vendors, etc. I know the setting here is more rural than Tokyo which is at the forefront of DEATHQUAKE but this still feels almost like a yearning for tradition.

I love the starfish aliens who are so obviously people in cloth suits!


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