
Thrilling Bloody Sword (1981)

Directed by Cheung San-Yee

Fantasy | Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by sleestakk


The daughter of a queen and a comet is abandoned by her family. One day, she comes across a prince fighting a multi-headed dragon and falls in love with him. However, some wizards try everything to keep them apart.

Length 89 minutes


Hsu Pu-Liao | Elsa Yeung Wai-San | Hsia Ling-Ling | Chang Yi | Wang Hsi Tien | Liu Shang-Chien | Fang-Fang Fong | Chin Han | Chiang Sheng | Shih Chin | Kan Ti-Men | Kun Li | Chang Ma | Wong Hoi | Henry Luk Yat-Lung

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/08/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Movie number two of my birthday bash. Happy to crack this one open and watch! A new 2K scan from a 35mm source. Lots of scratches and artifacts from the film but overall still looks pretty good. The story is an interesting retelling of Snow White with elements of martial arts and Chinese fantasy thrown in for good measure.

Not as out there as I was hoping for but still a fun watch.


3 years ago

I knew something fishy was going on here when I added the same movie but had a completely unrelated movie poster. I had to hardlink to get the correct listing: