
Smile (2022)

Directed by Parker Finn


Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sleestakk


After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can’t explain.

Rated R | Length 115 minutes


Sosie Bacon | Kyle Gallner | Jessie Usher | Robin Weigert | Caitlin Stasey | Kal Penn | Rob Morgan | Gillian Zinser | Judy Reyes | Jack Sochet | Nick Arapoglou | Perry Strong | Matthew Lamb | Dora Kiss | Meghan Brown Pratt | Jared Johnston | Ura Yoana Sánchez | Vanessa Cozart | Shu Q | Shevy Gutierrez | Sara Kapner | Steven Strickland | Kevin Keppy | Marti Matulis | Scot Teller | Michelle Persiano | Setty Brosevelt | Jerry Lobrow | Brandon Brigman | Nadia Ramdass | Athena Smiley | Rachel Yong | Irene Blackman | Steven Bullock | Felix Melendez Jr. | Elaine Apruzzese | Sebastian Deerkop | Daniel Irmas | Shanea Lattimore | Anne Schmalzigan | Joseph Tornatore

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/24/2024Home Theater4K Blu-rayOwned8.5 stars
02/25/2023Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Holy shit I didn’t know this was actually good! The trailer made it look silly. The soundtrack and cinematography do a lot to make this feel unsettling throughout. Gives off IT FOLLOWS vibes which isn’t a bad thing at all.


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