
Faceless (1988)

Directed by Jesús Franco

Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A detective investigating a missing model in Paris uncovers a plastic surgeon’s horrifying secret involving kidnapped women, blood, and organs.

Length 98 minutes


Helmut Berger | Brigitte Lahaie | Telly Savalas | Christopher Mitchum | Stéphane Audran | Caroline Munro | Christiane Jean | Anton Diffring | Tilda Thamar | Howard Vernon | Florence Guérin | Gérard Zalcberg | Henri Poirier | Lina Romay | Amelie Chevalier | Doris Thomas | Jean Tolzac | Pascale Vital

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/16/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Despite a few notably great kill scenes and a strange, eclectic cast (including the likes of Telly Savalas, Chris Mitchum, Caroline Munro, Brigitte Lahaie, Hulmut Berger, Howard Vernon and Anton Diffring) there’s not a lot else going on in this pretty tepid film “inspired” by the classic EYES WITHOUT A FACE. It doesn’t even come to an actual conclusion, choosing instead to suggest the culminating events will happen after the film is over.

If I were using a Franco-meter to rate this it’d probably be a 7/10 based on Franco films alone. This is coherent and follows a plotline pretty consistently for Franco.


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