
Exit Wounds (2001)

Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak

Action | Crime | Thriller


Maverick cop Orin Boyd always brings down the domestic terrorists he tracks, but he ruffles feathers with his unorthodox techniques—and soon finds himself reassigned to the toughest district in Detroit. When he discovers a group of detectives secretly operating a drug ring, Boyd joins forces with an unlikely ally—gangster Latrell Walker—to bring down the rotten cops.

Rated R | Length 101 minutes


Steven Seagal | DMX | Isaiah Washington | Anthony Anderson | Bill Duke | Michael Jai White | Jill Hennessy | Tom Arnold | Bruce McGill | David Vadim | Eva Mendes | Matthew G. Taylor | Paolo Mastropietro | Shane Daly | Drag-On | Jennifer Irwin | Daniel Kash | Rothaford Gray | Dean Mckenzie | Gregory Vitale | Shawn Lawrence | Naomi Gaskin | Quancetia Hamilton | Rick Demas | Christopher Lawford | Noah Danby | John Ralston | Shannon Jobe | Kym Kristalie | Matt Birman | Bobby Johnston | Neville Edwards | Arnold Pinnock | Simon Kim | James Kim | Shekib Ahmad Foroughi | Ekundayo Odesanyo | Christopher Oster | Phillip Jarrett | Michael Boisvert | John McConnach | Moses Nyarko | Eldridge Hyndman | Delio Campelli | Mark Williams | Peter Walsh | Gary Johnston | DTeflon | Leati Joseph AnoaŹ»i | Scoot DeVille | Christy Ring

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/30/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

I was expecting this to not be very good and glad to have been proven wrong! This has everything that CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE somehow lacks, even though it’s largely the same group in front of and behind the cameras. This would make a great movie night movie.


8 months ago

I’ve seen this but I guess it was before we were logging films. May have to put this one in my proposed* Steven Seagal movie night.

* haven’t proposed it yet but it’s on my list of theme nights :)